What's PCB Depth Control Routing Technology?
l Using the edge of the stepstair card slot is conducive to the circuit board fixed and installation.
l Make use of the stepped groove made in the local area of the board to weld the special components or modules to realize the specific functions, meanwhile, reduce the overall height of the assembled devices to realize the assembly refinement and miniaturization.
l Using NPTH step slot groove to prevent welding due to siphon effect caused by the pad on the tin caused by serious short circuit and other poor welding.
l Use a specific size of the NPTH step slot as the microwave signal emitted by the resonant cavity, reducing signal loss.

Filling and embeding the gasket plate
The Machine-controlled deep-processing of the production of high-precision step board requirements of the equipment, PCBQuick can reach +/- 4mil precision, the production process is as follows:
l Fixed by the plate to keep the board surface and table formation
l With the first knife point as the benchmark, follow-up no longer adjust the depth compensation
l Measure and compensate for the blind-cut depth each time
l Panel milling process dynamically compensate for blind milling depth